Whether you are new to licensing or are an existing Premises Licence Holder, we will work with you to meet your licensing needs; our services include preparing new licensing applications, Temporary Events Notice (TENs) applications, Major and Minor Variations of existing Premises Licences and changes to Designated Premises Supervisor designations of existing Premises Licences. We provide a robust Compliance Checking Service to make sure your existing Premises Licence meets the needs of your business. We can also provide an advocacy service should you ever find yourself being subject to a Licensing Review.
The introduction of the Licensing Act allowed for a unified approach to managing alcohol, public entertainment, theatre & cinema, and late-night refreshments under one regime managed by the Local Licensing Authority and it set out to promote four key objectives:
This system of licensing is achieved through personal licences, premises licences and temporary event notices.
A Premises Licence is issued by the local Licensing Authority and allows for the sale of alcohol, the provision of regulated entertainment and late-night refreshments on a premise; this could be a bar or restaurant, a night club, even a park. All Premises Licences are specific to particular premises and will generally include hours of operation, permitted activity and conditions setting out how those activities must be carried out in line with the licensing objectives
This includes:
We offer a full service for a premises holder seeking a Premises Licence. This involves:
It might be that the best route in licensing licensable activity is through a Temporary Events Notice, particularly if an event is a one-off with less than 500 people and will last no more than 7 consecutive days [168hrs] or it may be an activity that is not in your existing premises licence.
A Local Authority can refuse a TEN notice if the police or environmental health agency serve an objection notice to the application on the council’s Licensing Department and the applicant, on the grounds that it may lead to crime and disorder, cause a public nuisance, be a threat to public safety or put children at risk or harm.
We offer a Mediation Service with the relevant bodies to find solutions to issues that arise.
We offer guidance on the best route to take to meet your ultimate needs
A Premises Licence is very specific to a certain premise and the business activity that takes part in that premise. It may be that things change including layout or hours of opening. So it is essential that the Premises Licence is reviewed by the Premises Licence Holder to ensure any conditions are complied with.
We offer a compliance service which looks at:
A licensing review application can be made by a responsible authority, the Police, a council or a member of the public where it is felt that the licensing objectives are not being met. A review can result in the loss of a licence and therefore should be treated seriously. Other sanctions might include the removal of a Designated Premises Supervisor, limitations on business hours (Early Morning Alcohol Restriction Orders) or even a suspension of the licence for up to 3 months; all equally damaging on a business.
We provide a representation and advocacy service taking our clients through the process
SL Consultants