The National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) has recently issued guidance on managing publicly accessible locations. The threat we face from terrorism remains significant and we have seen both in the UK and other places of Europe attacks happening in places and at times without any warning. Having better security arrangements for these spaces make it more difficult for terrorists to plan as well as carry out attacks.
Assessing publicly accessible locations covering a vast array of terror threats, not to mention who in an organisation will lead on the development of plans and ensure the mitigation measures are embedded within an organisation can be difficult.
It’s worth remembering that terrorism is a crime and many of the measures are designed to counter any crime so it is about looking at what measures are in place generally to make people feel safe.
SL Consultants have worked with local councils and land owners to help them understand what vulnerabilities they have on their sites should they be managing events on their own land or renting out their land to event organisers and what requirements they should be pressing on those who use their land. The key is making sure that areas are risk assessed, vulnerabilities established and measures are clearly documented and communicated to the right people.
SL Consultants