Why Are Policies & Procedures Important?

SL Consultants are often asked to review working practices of different organisations in the Security and Licensing Industry and we have been able to help see those businesses stop making avoidable mistakes. Many businesses have put policies and procedures in place just because they should but they lack the appreciation of how these kind of documents can really help their business.

Policies and Procedures allow an organisation to commit in writing what the business values and missions are, what the standards of behaviour and operations are, but crucially what is expected of everyone one involved in that organisation. Everyone needs to buy into the ethos of these policies to make sure they are followed throughout the organisation and become the normal way of operating.

In the case of the Security and Licensing Industry where legislation is quite clear and the consequences of not following that legislation can be quite severe, policies and procedures set out the levels of management accountability of an organisation and show how the organisation is meeting any statutory responsibilities.

Thankfully major problems are in the minority, but when things go wrong, one of the first things any regulator will do is ask to see the policies and procedures of an organisation and the audit trail of activity in accordance with those rules. The Security and Licensing authorities are no different so it is worth really understanding the value of these policies.

SL Consultants provides a Compliance Service, looking at how an organisation should operate and can advise of the best way to construct policies and procedures to maximise the value to a business.

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